Open Access Journals on Language & Literature

1. American Studies Journal 
2. Americana 
 3. Asian EFL Journal
4. Aspeers
5. Australian Humanities Review
7. CLC Web: Comparative Literature and Culture
8. Colloquy
9. Composition Forum
10. Consciousness, Literature and the Arts
11. COPAS: Current Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies
12. CW3: Corvey Women Writers on the Web
13. E-Sharp
14. Early Modern Literary Studies
15. Electronic Book Review
16. English for Specific Purposes World
17. Epiphany
18. Erfurt Electronic Studies in English
19. Genders
20. German as Foreign Language
21. Glossator: Practice and Theory of the Commentary
22. The International Journal of Baudrillard Studies
23. The Irish Journal of Gothic and Horror Studies
24. Janus Head
25. Japanese Journal of American Studies
26. Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature
27. Kritika Kultura
28. Language and Literacy: A Canadian Educational E-journal
29. Language Learning and Technology
30. Mediations
31. Nineteenth Century Gender Studies
32. NJES: Nordic Journal of English Studies
33. Nordic Journal of African Studies
34. Oral Tradition
35. Philament: An Online Journal of the Art and Culture
36. Post Identity
37. Postcolonial Text
38. Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture
39. Romantic Textualities
40. Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net
41. Rosetta
42. Teaching English with Technology
44. Transformative Works and Culture

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