Tuesday, July 20, 2021



Bakrid History

 and Significance:

Eid-ul-Adha is known as Bakrid in India. The day honours Prophet Ibrahim's (also known as Abraham) sacrifice. It is believed that he was tested by God to sacrifice his only son. Ibrahim followed the command and was ready to sacrifice his son. However, God intervened during the act and a lamb was sacrificed instead of Ibrahim's son.

To celebrate this act, Muslims acknowledge Ibrahim's devotion and celebrate Eid-ul-Adha annually. It is marked by sacrificing a lamb or an animal, which is later divided into three parts. One share is kept for home and the rest two shares are given to the poor and needy.

Bakrid traces its history to 4,000 years ago, when the Prophet Abraham saw God in a dream, commanding him to sacrifice what he loved the most. He is said to have had an only son, Ismail (until another was born to Sarah, when he and she were long past the age of reproduction). After much thought, he decided to sacrifice Ismail.

He then bound his son, put him on the stone altar, and took out a knife to sacrifice him. Just as he was aboutto do so, an angel is said to have appeared, telling him to desist, for God was convinced that he loved Him more than even his son. Suddenly a ram emerged, caught by its horns in a bush. Abraham unbound his son and sacrificed the ram instead. This is celebrated as Bakrid, now better known as Id-uz-Zuha or Id-al-Adah, on which the Haj pilgrimage also culminates at Kabah.

Importance of the Festival:

Every year, Muslims celebrate this festival to remember the Prophet's loyalty towards God. And, because of his actions, the festival is also known as the 'Festival of Sacrifice'. The act simply symbolises giving away the dearest and hence it suggests one must be willing to sacrifice what they love the most. Devotees celebrate this festival by sacrificing a lamb or an animal to show their devotion towards God.

Rules to Follow :

This year, Eid festivities will be limited because of the coronavirus pandemic. As per the latest government guidelines, online buying and selling of goats is being encouraged. This is to prevent crowding at animal markets in light of social distancing

In pre-partition days

Bakrid was then marked by sacrifices in nearly every well-to-do home. Those who couldn’t afford to do it individually pooled money and offered a combined sacrifice. Some even sacrificed camels, like court bailiff Usman sahib.

Nawab’s kothi, that existed at Noor Manzil in Old Delhi, was the place where the largest number of “qurbanis” took place.The butcher Qayam divided goat and sheep parts, keeping the best portions for the household of Nawab F.Z. Sherwani and the entrails and others for distribution to the poor. Qayam is long dead and so also the Nawab Sahib, and his children and the kothi is now a divided property. A part of it has become a school and another occupied by the servants and the resident dhoban and her family. The building and its vast compound were declared evacuee property post-1947, with the nawabzadas migrating to Karachi, Lahore and Rawalpindi after their parents’ death. 

Muslims celebrate not just one Eid during an Islamic year, but two – one of which comes after the auspicious month of Ramadan (Eid ul-Fitr – small Eid) and the second during Qurbani (Eid ul-Adha – big Eid). 

The second of these two Eid's represents the most sacred time of the year for Muslims as it marks the Hajj pilgrimage. 

 Hajj is a religious duty that should be carried out by all able-Muslims at least once during their lifetime. Millions of Muslims travel to Mecca every year for Hajj, retracing the steps of Ibrahim (AS) as he left his wife, Hajra, and his son, Ismail, in the desert of ancient Mecca by the command of Allah (SWT). 

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) later established Hajj as an annual pilgrimage. Hajj and Eid ul-Adha The Hajj pilgrimage is regarded as an honour for Muslims, with all those who complete it allowed to adopt the title of Hajji (men) or Hajjah (women) for life. 

Those who feature such titles in Islamic culture are thought to hold more wisdom, thus earning greater respect from their peers. 

 The first pilgrimage, called Hijrah, was the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) migration from Mecca to Medina, then called Yathrib, and this is when the tradition as we know it today came into fruition. 

Hajj, which takes places over three days, runs into Eid ul-Adha (Qurbani) and, thus, Muslims on the pilgrimage carry out the traditional sacrifice of livestock as per the Quran’s ruling.

 Eid ul-Adha, or Qurbani Eid, begins on the 10th day of Dhul Hijjah as per the Islamic calendar and Muslims prepare for festivities by performing Wudhu, Fajr prayers and taking extra care of their personal appearance (such as cleanliness and buying/wearing new clothes). 

Have a Blessed Eid Everyone and that Allah is receptive to the Hajj pilgrimage that will be offered by those taking part this year. If you will not be completing the Hajj pilgrimage this year, you can still offer your thanks.


  1. बकरीद पर एक यह भी दृष्टान्त
    एक बार भगवान श्रीकृष्ण अर्जुन से राजा मोरध्वज की सत्य व दानवीरता की प्रशंसा करते हैं। इस पर अर्जुन असहमति जताते हैं। तब राजा की परीक्षा लेने का निर्णय होता है। भगवान श्रीकृष्ण युधिष्ठिर व अर्जुन के साथ राजा मोरध्वज की नगरी को प्रस्थान करते हैं। दरबार में पहुंचने से पहले अर्जुन और श्रीकृष्ण ब्राह्मण का वेश रखते हैं, जबकि युधिष्ठिर शेर बन जाते हैं। दरबार में पहुँचकर भगवान कृष्ण राजा मोरध्वज से कहते हैं कि हमारा शेर भूखा है। इसे मांस चाहिए। इस पर राजा मांस की व्यवस्था कराने का आदेश देते हैं, लेकिन भगवान श्रीकृष्ण यह कहते हुए मना कर देते हैं कि यह शेर आपके इकलौते पुत्र का ही मांस खाएगा। दानवीर राजा इसे स्वीकार कर लेते हैं और दस वर्षीय पुत्र ताम्रध्वज को रानी पद्मावती के साथ मिलकर आरे से चीर देते हैं।

    अब यहाँ सोचना होगा कि राजा मोरध्वज राजा शिबि ....राजा बलि ...नृपति दिलीप...राजा हरिश्चन्द्र.... ये क्या थे...इनके आचरण ईश्वर को ज़मीन पर आने को विवश कर गए...साक्षात भूमि पर उतर आए जगतपाल..प्रनतपाल...अकारण कृपाल....

    बकरीद की बधाई। एक छात्र कह रहा था कि हर्बल बकरीद मनाई जाए तो अच्छा क्योंकि एक किलो मांस के उत्पादन में अनाज के मुक़ाबले ज़्यादा पानी लगता है ज़्यादा वनस्पति लगती है।हर्बल ईद भी हो तो अच्छा। वैसे भी अनेक नई पीढ़ी के छात्र और बच्चे जानवरों को काटने मारने या कुर्बानी में ज़्यादा रुचि या उल्लास नहीं रखते।
    हैपी ईद।
