Friday, August 13, 2021

75th Independence Day of India


August 15 is celebrated as India's Independence day

Independence Day in India occurs on August 15th of every year.

 It celebrates the date in 1947 when the Indian Independence Act came into effect, which established India and Pakistan as separate countries, no longer under British imperialist rule. 

(In Pakistan, Independence Day is celebrated on August 14th.)

On this day in 1947, the then Prime Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru rose the tricolor to the sky for the first time, at Red Fort and hoisted it as a mark of independence. 

Red Fort, New Delhi

Ever since, hoisting of national flag at the Red Fort by the Prime Minister is counted as tradition followed by an address to the nation.

Facts that you will be interested to know

1. India will celebrate its 75th Independence Day this year , on 15th August 2021.

2. The countries who got independence on 15th August, other than India:

a) South Korea got independence on 15th August 1945. They were under the rule of Japan

b) Bahrain got independence on 15th August 1971, from the rule of Britain

c) Congo got its Independence on 15th August 1960, from the rule of France. 

3. The National Flag- Tricolour has gone through several changes over the time.

Tricolour Evolution

What does each colour signify in a Tricolour